Monday, March 9, 2009

6 Foot 11 Scapegoat

Finally someone has stepped forward and taken responsibility for the Diamondbacks epic collapse last season. Dan Haren? No. Brandon Webb? No. Hitting coach who thinks it's acceptable to have 5 starters strikeout 100+ times? No. Manager Bob Melvin? No.

It's a relief pitcher traded to the D-Backs midseason. Way to go Joe Rauch.

Look....part of me admires the guy for stepping forward and saying I'm responsible and it sounds like he's had his personal struggles and come out stronger for it.

But then the part of my brain that's not a stranger to reason steps forward and says that unless Rauch engaged in a Iago-like series of schemes to make Webb and Haren fade hard down the stretch and he personally arranged the Manny Ramirez deal, he's not responsible.

HARD FACT: Arizona started 19-7 and finished the season 63-73. They played like the '27 Yankees for the better part of a month and then became the Kansas City Royals, and they did virtually all of it without Joe Rauch's help.

So Rauch....good to hear you got your life in order, but give the blue some credit.

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